sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010

Heros do exist!

Sometimes we need that something serious happen to us, to see how important is life...but sometimes there are people that just give up and don't have strengh to move foward...and sometimes there are people that fight the problem every day.
Nick has discovered that he has diabetes in November 2005, he was really sick, and he knew that he had to face this disease for ever... Did he give up? NO, he said "I promise myself that I wouldn't let the disease slow me down. I didn't want to let diabetes control me-I would control it." He fights every single day, and he helps other children with the same or different problem.
He is a HERO. He has his own support, and he is also a support for everyone that needs him!

Nick wrote a song about diabetes and how does he feels about it " A Little Bit Longer". He didn't wrote it just for him, we wrote for every one. Once he said " This song is for every broken hearts, for every lost dreams, for every high and for every low, and for every person who's ever felt alone. And tonight this song...this song is for YOU!"

But if you don't trust in my words, hear him saying this beautiful words...And I suggest that you hear this song and then think about it!
See you soon xx

Note: For more information on diabetes, please go to: nickssimplewins.org and changeforthechildren.org

6 comentários:

  1. In every moments of our live, in every minutes, we have to fight to go forward. We have to know that slow down is no solution for our lives. Nick is a example of a person who didn't slow down and keeps going. And he has very success in his life. Nice post Magg :)

  2. OMG!!! I love u NICK JONAs!! I'm all your's babe! ME + U

  3. Thank you all, it is good to know that you agree with him! :D
    See you xx

  4. Congratulations my dear!!!
    I loved your post!
    Nick is good example to show how life is important... not to give upour dreams when the problem appears because we can beat him!
    GMDT!!! :*

    Ass: Anaa (cri,cri)

  5. Good improvement with the blog is even better ;)


  6. well, you know that I don't like but... your blog is really cool! and it's good know that are people doing something for the others.
    Good work Magg. :D
